# SQL : The language used to access a relational database is called SQL
# DRL- (I)Select
# DML-
(I) Insert
(II) Update
(III) Delete
# DDL-
(I) Create
(II) Alter
(III) Drop
(IV) Rename
(V) Truncate
# TCL-
(I) Commit
(II) Savepoint
(III) Rollback
# DCL-
(II) Revoke
# NULL: In database terms, nothing is called null.
# DISTINCT: To obtain unique value or a column contains duplicate value.
# PRIMARY KEY: Is an column used for identifying the uniqueness of each row in table.
# FORGIN KEY: Then common column appering in the chilled table is referenced as forgin key .
# JOIN : Is a query that combaine row from two are more table,view,M.view,
# CARTATION PRODUCT: Is a join query without join condition.
# EQUI/SIMPAL/INNER JOIN : Is a join query with a join condition .Containg an equality (=) oprator.
# TABLE ALIAS : Can be used table of names.
# SELF JOIN : It’s a join of table to itself.
# NON EQUI JOIN: When join condition that are executed when such as no column in one table cooesponding directly to a column in other tables.
# OUTER JOIN(which table want null use + sign) : An outer join extends the result of
Simpal join.
# ANSI/ISO JOIN SYNTAX : join table name on join condition From Emp join dept
on Emp.deptno=Dept.deptno;
# How many comparision do you need : - If you join N table then N-1 join condition here.
# NATURAL JOIN: Is a join between two table where oracles join the table according to the columns in the two table sharing in the same name.
# CROSS JOIN: ISO syantax producing creationproduct through use of cross join.
# GROUP FUNCTON : The data from main query can be displayed by using a group function is a sub query.
# SUB QUERY : Query within a query OR select statement nested within select statement.
1.Single Row Sub Query :Main query expect return only one value.
2.Multipel Row Sub Query : Return more the one row.
3.Inline(Inline view) Row Sub Query :Is a sub query use in from clause.
4.Multipel Column Sub Query : Return more then one column of return data in condition.
# Constrints : Are used to define an intigrity constraints, as rule that restrict the value in Database.
# Data Intigrity: It’s a state in which all the data value stored in database collect.
1.Entity Intigrity : It define a row as unique Enitity for particular table.
2.Domain Intigrity :Validates the entries for a given column.
3.Refrential Intigrity :Define relationship between tables where record are entered are deleted.
4.User define Intigrity : allow to difine specfic business rule that to not full into any one of the other Intigrity catgories.
# UNIQUE KEY : Enforce uniquness on value in constraints columns.
# CHECK : Enforce to value add to constraint column must be present static list.
# NOT NULL : Column such that the column may not be null for any row.
# SEQUENCE : Database object that genrate integer according to rules specified at time of
sequence is creation.
# INDEXES : Are schema objects that provide a mapping of all the values in the table column.
1.B-TREE INDEX: Nornaml Index
2.BETMAP INDEX : Store rowed associated with key value Bitmap.
3.PARTIONED INDEX : Table Data can pe partion is posible
4.FUNCTION BASED INDEX :They are based on expression
5.DOMAIN INDEX :Instance of application specific index of type index type.
# Synonmys: Schema objects which act as an alternate name for an existing objects.
1.Private Synonmys
2.Public Synonmys
# EXISTS OPRATER : Test to existence of row in sequence.
# ROWNUM: Is a result set row postion show after transaction.
# SCHEMA: Is a logical grouping of database objects based on userwho own the objects.
# PL/SQL : Stands for procedurial language Extention to SQL.
1.Anonymoys Block :
2.Named Block:
3.Sub Programed Block:
# CURSSOR: Used to process multipal row retrival from database(with select statement).
Is a Handler or Pointer to the context area.
1.Implicity Cursor :
2.Ecplicit Cursor
3.Refrence Cursor
# EXCEPTION: To handle unpredictable situation ,plsql provide mechnisum is known as Exception.
Genral Categories:
1) System define Exception
2)User Define Exception
# PROCEDURE : Is a named program unit that can be called on directly buy its name.
( Not pass littreal)
# FUNCTION : Is a named program unit that return atlest singal value.
# PACKAGE : Is simpaly collection of related type procedure,functions.
# TRIGEER: Is a named pl/sql block stored in database and executed implicit when trigeer event is occurs.
# COLLECTION : Manupulate many variable at once as one unit DATA TYPE LIKE.
1.INDEX BY TABLE : Non scaler Type
2.NEXTED TABLE : created sequential key& like key can not be negative.
3.VARRY: Is data type ,simlar ina rray.
# Query : Its an opration that retrive data from one are more table or view.